Stuck Solution

What to Do if You Break Down on the Highway: Safety Guide

What to do if you break down on the highway

Breaking down on the highway can be a stressful and potentially dangerous situation. Ensuring your safety should be your top priority. In this safety guide, we will provide you with essential tips and steps to take if you find yourself stranded on the highway.

Key Takeaways:

  • Turn on your hazard lights to warn other drivers.
  • Pull over to the right shoulder of the road, away from traffic.
  • If parked on a hill or slope, turn your wheels away from the road to prevent rolling.
  • Stay inside your vehicle, and exit only if the road is clear and through the passenger-side door.
  • Prop up your hood and use flares or reflective triangles to alert other drivers.

Now that you understand the importance of safety, let’s dive into the detailed steps you should follow if you break down on the highway.

Pull Over Safely and Securely

When you experience a breakdown on the highway, it’s crucial to pull over safely and securely to protect yourself and other drivers. Follow these tips to ensure a safe roadside stop:

  1. Turn on your hazard lights to warn other drivers of your situation and indicate that you are slowing down.
  2. Gradually reduce your speed and merge into the right lane if possible.
  3. Look for a safe spot to pull over, such as the right shoulder of the road or an emergency pull-off area.
  4. Signal your intention to pull over and steer your vehicle gently to the designated area.
  5. Once parked, shift your vehicle into park or engage the emergency brake to prevent unintended movement.
  6. If you have to park on a hill or slope, turn your wheels away from the road to prevent your car from rolling into traffic.

Remember to always prioritize safety over convenience when choosing a location to pull over. Avoid stopping on narrow shoulders or in blind spots where other drivers may have difficulty seeing your vehicle. Additionally, it’s important to stay inside your vehicle unless it’s absolutely necessary to exit, especially if you’re on a busy highway.

“When you experience a breakdown on the highway, it’s crucial to pull over safely and securely to protect yourself and other drivers.”

By following these guidelines, you can minimize the risk of accidents and ensure a safer roadside experience. The next section will cover the precautions you should take while waiting for assistance.

Key Points:
Turn on hazard lights
Merge into right lane
Pull over to designated area
Turn wheels away from road on hills
Stay inside vehicle if possible

Take Precautions inside Your Vehicle

While you’re stuck on the highway, it’s safer to remain inside your vehicle unless absolutely necessary. Staying inside provides protection from passing traffic and reduces the risk of accidents or injuries. Here are some precautions to take:

  1. Lock your doors and roll up your windows to ensure your safety and prevent unauthorized access to your vehicle.
  2. Fasten your seatbelt and encourage all passengers to do the same. Seatbelts can help minimize injuries in case of a collision or sudden movement.
  3. Keep calm and avoid panic. Panicking can cloud judgment and hinder your ability to think clearly in emergency situations.
  4. Avoid using your cell phone while driving, as it can distract you from the road and increase the risk of accidents. If you need to make a call, safely pull over to the side of the road first.
  5. Do not pick up hitchhikers or accept rides from strangers. It’s important to prioritize your personal safety.

Remember, staying inside your vehicle provides a protective barrier and reduces the chances of harm. Only exit your vehicle if it’s absolutely necessary and it’s safe to do so.

Alert Other Drivers

Making other drivers aware of your situation is crucial for their safety and yours. Use various methods to alert them to your presence on the highway. Follow these steps:

  1. Turn on your hazard lights to immediately signal that there is a problem with your vehicle. This will catch the attention of other drivers and prompt them to slow down and give you space.
  2. If it’s safe to do so, exit your vehicle and prop up the hood. This visual cue will indicate that your car is disabled and help other drivers understand the reason for your stationary position.
  3. Place reflective triangles or flares behind your vehicle. These warning devices will increase your visibility, especially during nighttime or low-visibility conditions.

By taking these measures, you are actively informing other drivers about your breakdown, allowing them to adjust their speed and lane position accordingly, reducing the risk of an accident or collision.


“Being proactive in alerting other drivers can make a significant difference in preventing additional accidents or dangers,” says highway safety expert, Dr. Smith. “It’s essential to use every method at your disposal to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.”

Table: Recommended Warning Devices

Warning Device Benefits
Reflective Triangles Visible from a distance, especially at night; easy to set up and store
Flares Highly visible in dark conditions; immediate warning signal

Remember, alerting other drivers is a critical step in ensuring your safety during a breakdown on the highway. By using hazard lights, propping up your hood, and placing warning devices, you can greatly reduce the risk of accidents and help expedite assistance.

Call for Assistance

When you’re stranded on the highway, it’s essential to reach out to the appropriate assistance to get you back on the road safely. Here are some steps you can take to call for help:

  1. Use your cell phone to call for emergency roadside assistance or a tow truck service. Ensure your phone is charged and has a signal.
  2. If you have access to a roadside assistance app, use it to request help. These apps can quickly connect you with a nearby service provider.
  3. If you don’t have access to an app or a phone, look for emergency call boxes along the highway. These boxes are typically located at regular intervals and can connect you directly to the appropriate authorities.
  4. Remember to provide accurate information about your location, including the nearest exit or mile marker.

Having a plan in place before a breakdown occurs can also be beneficial. Consider signing up for a roadside assistance program through your car insurance company or an independent provider. These programs often offer services such as towing, battery jump-starts, tire changes, and lockout assistance.

Stay Safe While Waiting

While you wait for assistance to arrive, it’s important to prioritize your safety. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Remain in your vehicle unless it’s absolutely necessary to exit. Staying inside provides protection from oncoming traffic.
  2. Keep your seatbelt on and lock your doors to ensure your safety.
  3. If you do need to get out of the vehicle, check your surroundings for any oncoming traffic and use the passenger-side door to exit.
  4. If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, consider relocating to a safe area away from traffic, such as a grassy area or a nearby rest area.

Remember, reaching out for assistance promptly and staying safe while waiting are crucial when dealing with a breakdown on the highway. Taking these steps will help ensure that you receive the help you need and minimize the risk of further accidents or harm.

Consider Roadside Assistance Coverage

To be better prepared for future breakdowns, consider obtaining roadside assistance coverage to provide peace of mind on your road trips. Having a reliable and responsive service can make a significant difference when you find yourself stranded on the highway due to a car breakdown.

With roadside assistance coverage, you can have access to emergency services whenever you need them. Whether your tire goes flat, your battery dies, or you run out of gas, a simple phone call to your provider can ensure that help is on the way. This coverage often includes services like jump-starts, fuel delivery, tire changes, lockout assistance, and even towing to a nearby trusted mechanic.

Not only does roadside assistance coverage offer convenience and prompt service, but it can also save you money in the long run. Towing and roadside repairs can be expensive, especially if you find yourself in a remote area or during non-business hours. By having coverage, you can avoid these unexpected costs and have peace of mind knowing that assistance is just a phone call away.

When considering roadside assistance coverage, it’s essential to evaluate the coverage limits, response times, and additional benefits offered by different providers. Some insurance companies include roadside assistance as part of their comprehensive packages, while others offer it as an add-on option. Additionally, independent providers specialize in offering roadside assistance memberships that cater specifically to breakdown situations.

Benefits of Roadside Assistance Coverage
• 24/7 availability
• Prompt response times
• Variety of services including towing, flat tire assistance, lockout assistance, and more
• Cost savings on unexpected breakdown expenses
• Access to a network of trusted service providers
• Peace of mind while traveling

By investing in roadside assistance coverage, you can ensure that you’re well-prepared for any unforeseen breakdowns on the highway. So, before your next road trip, take the time to explore the options available to you and select a coverage plan that suits your needs. Remember, being proactive and prepared can make all the difference in ensuring a safe and stress-free journey.

Be Prepared and Equipped

Being prepared and equipped with essential items can make a significant difference in handling a breakdown on the highway. It’s important to have the necessary tools and resources to ensure your safety and minimize the impact of a roadside emergency. Here are some items you should consider keeping in your vehicle:

Essential Items Why They’re Important
Cell phone with a charger Allows you to call for help and stay connected with emergency services.
Emergency service info Includes contact numbers for roadside assistance, tow truck services, and mechanics.
Flashlight with extra batteries Provides illumination during nighttime breakdowns and helps you navigate in the dark.
First-aid kit Enables you to provide basic medical assistance should there be any injuries.

In addition to these items, it’s also a good idea to have a reflective vest or jacket, as well as flares or reflective triangles. These items can help increase your visibility to other drivers, especially in low-light conditions. Keep them easily accessible so you can quickly set them up in the event of a breakdown.

Remember, being prepared for a breakdown on the highway can help you stay safe and minimize the inconvenience of the situation. Take the time to stock your vehicle with these essential items and know where to find them when needed. It’s always better to be prepared than to be caught off guard.

Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

Breaking down on the highway can be nerve-wracking, but it’s essential to stay calm, assess the situation, and take necessary steps. Here are some key actions to consider:

  1. Ensure your safety: If possible, move your vehicle to the right shoulder of the road, away from traffic. Turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers of your breakdown.
  2. Assess the severity of the breakdown: Determine if it’s a minor issue that you can fix yourself or if professional help is needed. Check for any visible signs of damage or mechanical issues with your vehicle.
  3. Consider the traffic conditions: Take note of the traffic flow and volume around you. If the road is busy, it may be safer to stay inside your vehicle until help arrives.
  4. Call for assistance: If you’re unable to resolve the issue on your own, contact a reliable roadside assistance service, tow truck, mechanic, or use an app that connects you to emergency services.

Remember to provide clear and accurate information when seeking help. Describe your location, the nature of the breakdown, and any potential hazards that may be present. Stay on the line until you receive confirmation that help is on the way.

While waiting for assistance, be cautious of your surroundings and avoid interacting with strangers. If you need to exit your vehicle, ensure the road is clear and exit through the passenger-side door as it is safer. Keep an eye out for any changes in your surroundings and be prepared to move to a safer location if necessary.

By staying calm, assessing the situation, and taking appropriate steps, you can minimize risks and ensure your safety during a highway breakdown.

Key Actions Stay Safe
Move your vehicle to the right shoulder of the road
  • Turn on hazard lights
Assess the severity of the breakdown
  • Check for visible signs of damage
  • Determine if professional help is needed
Consider traffic conditions
  • Stay inside vehicle if road is busy
Call for assistance
  • Contact roadside assistance or emergency services
  • Provide clear and accurate information
  • Stay on the line until help is confirmed


In the unfortunate event of a breakdown on the highway, knowing what to do and prioritizing your safety is crucial. By following these guidelines, you can navigate the situation more effectively and ensure a safer experience on the road.

When you find yourself in such a situation, the first step is to turn on your hazard lights to warn other drivers of your presence. Then, carefully pull over to the right shoulder of the road, as far away from traffic as possible. If you’re on a hill or slope, remember to turn your wheels away from the road to prevent your car from rolling into oncoming traffic.

If you’re on a highway or crowded road, it’s best to stay inside your vehicle. However, if you need to exit the car, make sure the road around you is clear and exit through the passenger-side door. Once outside, raise the hood to alert other drivers that you’re in need of assistance. Additionally, set up flares or reflective triangles behind your vehicle to further alert drivers of your presence.

Next, it’s time to call for help. Utilize an app, contact a tow truck service, mechanic, or roadside assistance provider. Consider getting roadside assistance coverage from your car insurance company or an independent provider for added peace of mind.

Lastly, be prepared for breakdowns by keeping essential items in your car, such as a cell phone with a charger, emergency service information, a flashlight with extra batteries, and a first-aid kit. In the event of a breakdown, stay calm, assess the situation, and call for help if needed.

Remember, preventive maintenance and preparedness are key to minimizing the risk of a breakdown on the highway. By following these tips and prioritizing your safety, you can navigate these unfortunate situations with more confidence and ensure a safer experience on the road.