Stuck Solution

5 Ways To Avoid Auto-Lockouts: 5 tips for avoiding auto-lockouts

Being locked out of your car is a frustrating experience that can happen to anyone. From misplaced keys to locked doors, the reasons for auto lockouts can vary. But don’t worry, there are simple and effective ways to avoid this inconvenience. In this article, we’ll cover five tips to help you avoid getting locked out of your car. By following these tips, you can save yourself from the hassle and stress of being stranded without access to your vehicle.

Key Takeaways

  • Keep a spare key with you
  • Use a keychain with a lanyard
  • Develop a routine check
  • Use technology to your advantage
  • Have a spare key hidden outside your car
  • Seek professional assistance for lockouts
  • Stay calm and assess the situation

Keep a spare key with you

One of the simplest ways to prevent auto lockouts is to always keep a spare key with you. You can have an extra key made and store it in your wallet or purse, or in a safe and accessible spot at home.

If you accidentally lock your keys in the car, having a spare will save you from having to call a locksmith or rely on someone else to bring you a spare key. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, and carrying a spare key with you is an easy step towards avoiding the stress and hassle of being stranded without access to your vehicle.

Use a keychain with a lanyard

Attaching your car keys to a keychain with a lanyard can be a lifesaver when it comes to avoiding auto lockouts. By wearing the lanyard around your neck or wrist, you’ll always have your keys within reach, reducing the chance of misplacing them or accidentally locking them in your car.

Not only is it convenient, but a keychain with a lanyard can also be a stylish accessory. You can find a variety of keychains with lanyards in different colors, shapes, and materials to match your personal style.

Investing in a keychain with a lanyard is a small but effective step towards preventing auto lockouts. Make sure to attach it to your keys, so you always have them on hand, and feel confident that you won’t find yourself locked out of your car.

Develop a routine check

Creating a routine check before leaving your car can significantly reduce the risk of auto lockouts. Make it a habit to double-check that you have your keys in hand before exiting the vehicle. Take a deep breath and do a quick scan of your immediate surroundings to ensure you haven’t left anything important in the car. It only takes a few seconds but can save you from the frustration of being locked out.

Use technology to your advantage

Technology has made our lives a lot easier, and it can also help you avoid auto lockouts. Many modern cars are equipped with keyless entry systems or smartphone apps that allow you to lock and unlock your vehicle remotely. Familiarize yourself with these features and make use of them.

With a keyless entry system, you don’t have to worry about locking your keys in your car. When you approach your vehicle, the system detects your presence, unlocks the doors, and even starts the engine if your car has push-button start. When you walk away from your car, it automatically locks the doors.

If your car doesn’t have a keyless entry system, you can still use your smartphone to avoid auto lockouts. Many car manufacturers offer smartphone apps that allow you to lock and unlock your car remotely. Some even allow you to start the engine, turn on the air conditioning, and more.

Using technology to your advantage is one of the easiest ways to avoid auto lockouts. Just remember to keep your smartphone charged and with you at all times, and to be familiar with the features available in your car.

Have a spare key hidden outside your car

Having a spare key hidden outside your car can save the day if you accidentally lock yourself out. Choose a secure hiding spot, such as a magnetic key holder under the car or a hidden compartment near your vehicle. However, make sure it’s a place only you know about to prevent unauthorized access.

Seek Professional Assistance For Lockouts

If you find yourself locked out of your car despite your best efforts, don’t panic. Seeking professional assistance is the best and safest way to resolve the problem. It’s essential to have the contact information of a trusted locksmith saved in your phone for emergencies. A reliable locksmith experienced in handling auto lockouts ensures a quick and efficient resolution to the problem.

Some people may be tempted to try to break into their own car or use DIY methods they found online. However, this can be risky, and you may end up causing more damage to your vehicle, resulting in more expensive repairs. It’s always better to play it safe and call a professional locksmith who has the right tools and expertise to do the job without causing any damage to your car.

Remember, getting locked out of your car is a common problem, and there’s no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed about it. Locksmiths deal with these types of situations all the time and are there to help you. So, if you find yourself locked out, take a deep breath, stay calm, and call a professional locksmith for assistance.

Stay calm and assess the situation

In the event that you do get locked out of your car, it’s natural to feel frustrated and anxious. However, it’s essential to stay calm and assess the situation before taking any action. Panic can cloud your judgment and lead to unnecessary mistakes.

Take a few deep breaths and try to remain patient. Consider your options before attempting to break into your car. Remember, trying to force your way into your vehicle can lead to damage and may end up costing you more money in the long run.

If you’ve tried all the tips mentioned in this article and still find yourself locked out of your vehicle, it’s time to seek professional assistance. Contact a reliable locksmith experienced in handling auto lockouts to resolve the problem quickly and efficiently. Remember to have the contact information of a trusted locksmith saved in your phone for emergencies.


Auto lockouts can be a frustrating experience, but they are not entirely unavoidable. By implementing these five tips, you can significantly reduce your chances of ending up stranded without access to your vehicle.

Always keep a spare key with you, attach your keys to a lanyard, and get into the habit of a routine check before exiting your car. Take advantage of the technological features available to you and consider hiding a spare key outside your car. Additionally, remember to stay calm and seek professional assistance if you do find yourself locked out.

With these tips, you can avoid the stress and inconvenience of being locked out of your car. So, take the necessary steps to ensure you’re never stranded without access to your vehicle again.


Q: What are some ways to avoid auto lockouts?

A: There are several ways to avoid auto lockouts:

Q: How can I keep a spare key with me?

A: One of the simplest ways to prevent auto lockouts is to keep a spare key with you at all times. You can have an extra key made and store it in your wallet or purse. If you accidentally lock your keys in the car, having a spare will save you from having to call a locksmith or rely on someone else to bring you a spare key.

Q: How can using a keychain with a lanyard help?

A: Attaching your car keys to a keychain with a lanyard can be a lifesaver when it comes to avoiding auto lockouts. By wearing the lanyard around your neck or wrist, you’ll always have your keys within reach, reducing the chance of misplacing them or accidentally locking them in your car.

Q: What is a routine check and how can it help?

A: Creating a routine check before leaving your car can significantly reduce the risk of auto lockouts. Develop a habit of double-checking that you have your keys in hand before exiting the vehicle. This simple practice can help you avoid the frustration of being locked out.

Q: How can technology help in avoiding auto lockouts?

A: Take advantage of the technology available to prevent auto lockouts. Many modern cars come equipped with keyless entry systems or smartphone apps that allow you to lock and unlock your vehicle remotely. Familiarize yourself with these features and utilize them to avoid accidental lockouts.

Q: Where should I hide a spare key outside my car?

A: Having a spare key hidden outside your car can be a lifesaver in case you accidentally lock yourself out. Choose a secure hiding spot, such as a magnetic key holder under the car or a hidden compartment near your vehicle. Just make sure it’s a place only you know about to prevent unauthorized access.

Q: What should I do if I get locked out despite my efforts?

A: If you do find yourself locked out of your car despite your best efforts, it’s essential to seek professional assistance. Calling a reliable locksmith experienced in handling auto lockouts ensures a quick and efficient resolution to the problem. Make sure to have the contact information of a trusted locksmith saved in your phone for emergencies.

Q: How should I handle being locked out of my car?

A: In the unfortunate event that you do get locked out of your car, it’s crucial to stay calm and assess the situation. Panicking can cloud your judgment and lead to unnecessary mistakes. Take a deep breath, remain patient, and consider your options before taking any action.